Our Teachers
Iyengar yoga teachers can only qualify after many years of training and maintaining a daily home practice. Weekly classes with a senior (Level 4) teacher are also part of their continuing professional development. In this way the care and precision that characterizes Iyengar yoga are maintained. These high teaching standards are part of the reason Iyengar yoga is the most widely practised method of yoga worldwide. Our Certification Mark is the guarantee of this quality and can only be used by qualified Iyengar yoga teachers.

Di Harris
Director and Teacher (Level 2)
Studied in Pune at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) on 4 occasions and met B.K.S Iyengar

Lynne Myall
Director and Teacher (Level1)
I was inspired to study Iyengar yoga by my parents who took it up in retirement. Through daily practice they are enjoying a healthy and very active older age without aches and pains.

Sarah Orchard
Director and Teacher (Level 1)
Iyengar yoga has lead me to a happier and healthier lifestyle. The inner connection is paramount to who I am.

Elaine Spraggett
Teacher (Level 2)
I qualified as an Introductory teacher in 2004, Intermediate in 2017 (now Level 2) and have taught since qualifying.
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Is Iyengar yoga just another fad?
Iyengar yoga is authentic, Indian yoga based on a tradition that goes back thousands of years. BKS Iyengar was a student and teacher of yoga for over 80 years and wanted to share its secrets with the world. His study, understanding and mastery of yoga are unrivalled in modern times. He won worldwide respect and recognition for his achievements and made yoga accessible and relevant to people everywhere, no matter their ability. He set the standard for his teachers and students while his textbooks on yoga have become classics.
Why haven’t I heard of it before?
Iyengar yoga is the most widely taught method around the world being taught in over 40 countries. However, because it takes so long to train to teach authentic Indian yoga there are very few teachers compared with teachers who have trained with other associations you may have heard of.
What sort of yoga is it?
Iyengar Yoga is Hatha Yoga but with extra care and attention to alignment and detail. Mr Iyengar didn’t call it Iyengar yoga – to him it was just ‘yoga’. However, over the years his insight, teaching skills and mastery were so unique that people started to call it ‘Iyengar’ yoga.
How do I know my teacher is qualified?
All Iyengar yoga teachers follow a rigorous mentoring programme, taking a minimum of three years, followed by a two-day exam. Once qualified, they must continue weekly classes with a Senior teacher to ensure that their learning and practice deepens further. Only teachers with this level of commitment are entitled to use the Iyengar Yoga Certification symbol as a sign of the quality of teaching they offer. WIY teachers have a combined total of over 40 years’ teaching experience.
What are the teaching levels?
Level 1 is the first level qualification and allows teachers to teach those beginning Iyengar yoga.
Levels 2, 3 and 4 are awarded to teachers who have passed an exam to teach more complex poses to more experienced students. Teachers must have at least 18 months’ teaching experience before applying to take a higher level exam. We are fortunate to have teachers of Levels 1, 2 and 3 on our team. Our teacher and mentor, Jayne Orton, is one of only a handful of teachers worldwide with Level 4 certification, awarded to her by BKS Iyengar himself at the RIMY Institute in Pune, India.
Ready to Make a Change?
Take a look at our available classes, including children, beginners, intermediate and restorative.